"Keep It Wild" (KIW) is an ambitious group of people driven to make a difference on the ground in the
UK. With a wealth of knowledge, experience and bravery, KIW sets itself apart in the fight against the biodiversity crisis, climate change and creating a sustainable future for future generations. We recognise the urgency of these issues and are unafraid to challenge the barriers that stand in our way.
Our organisation was formed initially to purchase and maintain pockets of land that are vital for local communities and wildlife, but are overlooked by larger organisations. We first achieved this by crowdfunding the acquisition of "
Tamarstone" meadow.
Wildlife rich oases like this one, act as vital stepping stones between larger sites and are important for both local people and wildlife. .
Our projects
, captive breeding programs and rare plant propagation work will serve as seeds banks to reintroduce endangered or lost native species back into the UK.
We work in partnership with those who know, enjoy, work, live, or rely upon the land and aim to support nature without compromising the needs of the human community.
With a focus on the Nolan Principles of openness, honesty, integrity, selflessness, objectivity, accountability and leadership, KIW is determined to make a positive, beneficial change for all.
We are in the process of applying for charitable status as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) to further our mission of purchasing and holding land in trust for the benefit of all. Join us in our efforts to "Keep It Wild" and work towards a brighter, regenerative future for everyone.